
I know what you’re thinking. There’s A LOT of travel blogs out there. What makes this one different? It’s unmotivated by business goals and rather by a cause — to make the world a better place through sustainable tourism. It’s a passion project and a longing to bring together a community of people who are interested in improving the way we travel.

While it is clear there are plenty of improvements humanity should make, the one closest to my heart is the way we travel. I, along with so many others, believe travel is inherent to our being and is often a necessity to fill the soul. Not because it allows us to get great content for social media, but because it allows us to connect with new places, cultures and ideas in a way that nothing else does. The problem with it then? We’re doing it wrong.

Luxury resorts, chain restaurants/bars, souvenir shops and man-made attractions are found in most popular destinations these days. Visiting these places can be fun but that is not travel, that’s entertainment. Travel is chatting with your local host at your lodge after a long bus ride, eating a traditional dish prepared by a local cook, or learning as much as you can about the history, culture and environment you are exploring — not from a screen but from a local person. We’ve demanded so much entertainment from our travels that we’ve negatively impacted the culture, environment and people of many of the unique places we’ve chosen to visit. It’s time to reverse the damage, and responsible travel is the solution.

Moving forward, we all have the choice on how we will travel. My hope is that the more we can learn from each other, the more we will collectively choose the sustainable option. We’ll choose to be responsible adventurers.

Whether you are 100% on board to be a responsible adventurer or are skeptical, I’m so glad you found your way here. This is a space to learn, but also a space to share. While I’ll be sharing my own learnings and experiences, this blog isn’t complete without your individual stories and perspectives. Submit a post, and join a community of people who want to hear you.

— Annaleigh Bonds

The Responsible Adventurer, Creator

Annaleigh Bonds

Marketing professional with a passion for responsible tourism.


Traveling Costa Rica? Let the locals guide you.